Backend Automation

The upload of regulatory files is a critical process which often involves sensitive and compliance-related documents. We streamline and automate the entire processes on the server side of applications and systems. Ensuring a secure, efficient, and compliant upload process. This can lead to increased efficiency, reduced manual intervention, and improved overall system performance.

Below is the step-by-step process on how we handle the upload of regulatory files:

User Authentication and Authorization

  • Implemented robust user authentication to ensure that only authorized personnel can upload regulatory files
  • APIs and Integrations

    Provide APIs for seamless integration with third-party systems and applications.
    Foster a developer-friendly environment to encourage the creation of custom applications and solutions.

Secure File Transfer

  • Utilize secure file transfer protocols such as SFTP (Secure File Transfer Protocol) or HTTPS to encrypt data during transit.

File Validation

  • Implemented file validation checks to ensure that uploaded files adhere to specified formats and standards.
  • Verify file integrity and authenticity to prevent corruption or tampering.

Audit Trail

  • Maintained a detailed audit trail that logs all activities related to the upload of regulatory files.
  • Included information such as user actions, timestamps, and IP addresses for accountability and compliance purposes.

Automatic File Scanning for Errors

  • Inbuilt algorithm will do the sanity check before uploading.
  • Inbuilt algorithm will do the sanity check before uploading.

Notification System

  • Notification system in place to inform relevant stakeholders about successful file uploads or any issues that may arise during the process.
  • Included automated alerts for compliance-related events.

Data Backups

  • Regularly back up regulatory files to prevent data loss in the event of system failures or other unforeseen issues.

Accessibility and Retrieval

  • Designed a user-friendly interface that allows authorized users to easily upload, search, and retrieve regulatory files.
  • Implemented a secure and efficient search functionality for quick access.

Periodic Security Audits

  • Conduct periodic security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities in the upload process.
  • Regularly update security measures to stay ahead of emerging threats.